XISCO: Pursuing Exceptional Everyday

Our team has a distinct approach that goes beyond ordinary facility management. We will work with you to understand your company’s unique needs, allowing us to offer truly customized solutions that help create workspaces that engage, motivate, and delight employees. We are working consistently to figure out how we can raise the benchmark for our services, so we may ensure our clients’ overall satisfaction.

Drive Growth and Create a Positive Work Environment With Our Help

We are an advocate of creating safe, well-maintained, and organized environments where people can work harmoniously. As a facility management services provider, we empower organizations to thrive by connecting them with our exceptional pool of employees, our knowledge of Integrated Facility Management backed by decades of experience, and our capacity to work in synergy with our affiliates.



Our team has a distinct approach that goes beyond ordinary facility management. We try to understand your company’s unique needs, allowing us to offer truly customized solutions that help create workspaces that engage, motivate, and delight employees. We constantly try to figure out how we can raise the benchmark for our services, so we may ensure our clients’ overall satisfaction.

What We Do

Integrated Facility Management

More than connecting you with skilled, qualified, and experienced people, partnering with XISCO means tapping into the very resources, technology, and training that MHI Investment Holdings, Inc. carries. Integrated Facility Management —the XISCO way— brings a more flexible approach that synergizes our strengths with the entire MHI portfolio. With our help, you can focus more on achieving your core goals.

Who We Serve

Businesses, Big or Small

XISCO is open to cater to any business, big or small. We provide exceptional facility management services to a wide range of industries, including business process outsourcing, information technology, and finance. Every day, we strive to understand the specific needs of these sectors and deliver tailored services to them. 

Smiling asian business woman showing document report to her manager during office meeting.

Where To Find Us

Our Office Locations Nationwide​

We are a multiskilled, multi-capacity organization serving clients on a nationwide scale. We are composed of 6,100+ people deployed in 350+ sites all over the Philippines, pursuing exceptional in Integrated Facility Management.

Guy with a package

Join Our Team

Ready to be part of our company? Explore rewarding career opportunities at XISCO and contribute to transformative projects across different industries.

Stay Informed

Stay updated with the latest industry insights, trends, and best practices. Browse our comprehensive resources to empower your organization’s success. 

Get In Touch

Talk to us today! Our team at XISCO will be more than happy to answer your questions about facility management.